In the last decade there has been a resurgence of interest in Adalbert Meingast among Anglo-American researchers of the 19th and 20th centuries. In a 2009 article, “Adalbert Meingast: Resurrecting the Playful Philosopher,” Eli Alshanetsky deftly directed attention to the neglected Meingast commentaries written by the Russian intellectual historian Alexandr Katz and the Irish philosopher Sandra Martin, and in 2014 he recruited a cohort of scholars to translate, catalogue, and publicize the work of Meingast. Fragments of Meingast’s manuscripts are currently being uncovered by these researchers. This blog is the public forum of this group. Follow Meingast on Twitter here.
Editors: Eli Alshanetsky (Temple) and Kristin Primus (Berkeley)
Thanks for your work ..
Hermann Meingast